Business Manifestation and Reality Creation
Shifting Perspectives: From Strategic Planning to Conscious Creation

The Basics of Manifestation: From Thoughts to Reality

As a business executive, you're accustomed to strategic planning and goal-setting to achieve predetermined outcomes.

However, there's an expanding worldview that suggests we can consciously influence our reality more than we might think. This concept is known as 'manifestation.’

The generally accepted term “manifestation” applies to things being brought into existence. This could refer to the realization of thoughts, ideas, goals, or intentions into the physical world by humans, or the expression of natural laws and processes in the universe. 

Everything that happens in your life is a result of your manifestation process – put simply, it is created by you. People manifest all the time whether they know it or not. The only difference is how consciously you choose the things you manifest, versus how much of it is dictated by your subconscious tendencies, desires, and patterns. Research in neuroscience suggests this ratio of brain activity is 97% / 3% in favor of the subconscious.

Manifestation, as it will be used throughout the Reemina universe and this article, stands for the 3% conscious creation part. It is the practice of using focused thought, conceivable targets, and intentional action to bring about desired outcomes in one's creative endeavors. At its core, it proposes that by aligning your mindset, feelings, and behaviors with your goals, you can create the circumstances you want.

How Manifestation Complements Traditional Business Strategy

In the business world, you may view success as the result of hard work, market conditions, and perhaps a bit of luck. While these factors are certainly significant, manifestation broadens this perspective by emphasizing the idea that your (and everyone else’s) personal beliefs, thoughts, passion, and energy management also play a crucial role.

Consider a sales executive skeptical about the potential of a newly launched product, doubting the ability to sell it in the volumes or at the price projected by the company's leadership. This disbelief – negative manifestation – destroys the executive's performance, resulting in failure to meet the set targets despite substantial hard work, beneficial market conditions, or even the presence of luck.

Through the use of manifestation, you get challenged to learn how to set more precise outcomes and, put simply, know better what it is that you want. Boosted precision gives way to three distinct factors that make your bottom-line performance faster:

  • Knowing the desired outcome precisely allows you to stop spending resources on thoughts and activities that are not aligned with the target.

  • The better you understand the final outcome, the more flexible you can be in letting the optimal path reveal itself in the process; even if it unfolds differently than initially planned.

  • Examining your feelings in relation to the precisely defined outcome enables you to resolve any personal limitations (beliefs, fears, emotions) you have with its realization at the start of the creative process, preventing shocks down the road when stakes are higher.

Manifestation doesn't negate the need for action; on the contrary, it emphasizes it. Even with the most positive mindset, goals are not achieved without proactive measures. Manifestation is simply about aligning each taken action with the positive expectations of outcomes, while steering clear of negative expectations and projections.

Integrating Manifestation into Team Leadership

Manifestation is not just an individual process; it extends into team dynamics. In this collective setting, a great amount of goals, passions, and emotions collide and follow principles similar to vector algebra.

Leaders have a responsibility to confront and resolve limiting beliefs and to outline clear objectives. Moreover, gathering the people that not only see the same vision, but wholeheartedly find it conceivable, is paramount. 

However, it falls upon each team member to address their personal limiting beliefs and connect with the collectively set outcome. Leaders should facilitate this process by kick-starting the dialogue, providing helpful tools, practices and resources, and creating a safe environment for discourse.

Case Study: “Getting Real” about Troubleshooting Performance

During a routine quarterly meeting, the sales team was discussing strategies to improve performance. In a rare moment of candid dialogue facilitated by the leadership, one team member admitted to feeling skeptical about the new product's market viability. They expressed that marketing the product felt akin to "pushing a rock uphill," indicating a deep-seated disbelief in the product's success as well as their personal belief that “they aren’t an aggressive-enough person to bother others, and it’s impossible to wake up a market that is asleep”.

Recognizing how limiting beliefs block the success of the company's manifestation, the leadership arranged a series of meetings focusing on personal and team belief patterns where team members could voice concerns and suggest alternative mindsets in a non-judgmental setting. Leaders highlighted different forms of coaching as a key component in high performance; showcasing tools to help team members overcome their limiting beliefs and reach the level of conceivability needed to reach the ambitious targets.

Over the next few months, the team's belief in the product started to shift. The member who initially expressed disbelief became one of the product's strongest advocates, successfully securing several key accounts. As supportive beliefs grew within the team, sales numbers improved significantly, reflecting the collective conviction of the team. This episode brought a lesson to everyone involved: professional accountability extends beyond each member's technical skills. It also encompasses the conscious and subconscious beliefs and the mindset they bring to the office.

A Unified Approach

Contrary to misconceptions of manifestation as a form of mystic shortcut, it stands as a discipline ripe for mastery through continuous practice and patience. It presents an alternative approach to work—shifting from a passive reception of life’s unpredictabilities to an active creation of your business reality.

By embracing the power of manifestation alongside existing predetermined strategies, you can engage with your work from multiple angles. The balance of skillful planning and the conscious creation of reality through manifestation might well be the next frontier in achieving unparalleled business efficiency.

The Necessity of Passion in the Manifestation Process

Passion is the creative energy vital to persist through challenges and ignite creativity. This intense energetic contribution ensures that the strategic actions taken are not just methodical but also imbued with enthusiasm, personality, and determination, transforming mundane outputs into works of art.

Without passion, the process of manifestation might not sustain the momentum required to achieve substantial outcomes at speed, much like how a car stalls without fuel.

"Manifestation is light and easy when each word becomes a poem and each step becomes a dance."

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