A Detailed View of Six Shapes of Personal Flux

Understanding and cultivating the six shapes of personal flux is vital for achieving and maintaining high levels of energy and productivity at work.

Each shape, from the environmental to the social, plays a crucial role in managing and enhancing our overall energy flux. By identifying areas for growth and implementing targeted practices, individuals can effectively free up their energy availability, raise their energy frequency, and widen their total flux, i.e. capacity to access creative energy.

Maintained Shapes Free Up Energy

Energy flux dictates the amount of energy available within the human body for various activities. Improving one’s physical shape reduces the body's energy consumption for basic functions, freeing up more energy for productive use. This principle is applicable across all six shapes of personal flux.

When these aspects are well-managed, they demand less energy, making more available for creative and productive endeavors. For instance, creating an optimal work environment with clean air and proper lighting can reduce physical strain and positively influence mood.

Shapes Elevate Energy Frequency

In business, the energy frequency in which work is being carried out informs productivity. Energy frequency in this sense encapsulates the emotions of working individuals and how this affects their thoughts, words, and behavior.

High energy frequencies support efficient and productive work. Lower energy frequencies produce energy drainers and lower the ability to tackle challenges constructively. Enhancing the condition of the six flux shapes elevates the energy frequency.

Conditioning for Greater Flux

Improving each of the six shapes is like muscle training - the better their condition, the more it allows us to do, and the lower the effort required for activities. Just as consistent exercise strengthens muscles, regular attention and improvement to each of these shapes can increase one's total energy flux.

It’s essential for individuals to continuously reflect on their personal energy flux and make adjustments as necessary, ensuring sustained energy and fulfillment in their endeavors. The comprehensive guide to the six shapes of personal flux can provide insights into doing so.

I. Environmental Shape

  • Function: A clean environment—be it home, the office, or even the go-to clothing and grocery stores—reduces stress and distractions, enabling better focus and productivity.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Enhances mental clarity and reduces risk of illness, contributing to sustained energy levels.

  • Practices: Regular cleaning of workspace, decluttering, and maintaining personal cleanliness.

Air Quality
  • Function: Good air quality improves cognitive function and health.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Decreases susceptibility to respiratory illnesses and allergies, eliminating potential energy drainers.

  • Practices: Using air purifiers, ensuring adequate ventilation, and incorporating indoor plants that clean the air.

  • Function: Comfortable temperatures optimize brain function and comfort.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Reduces stress on the body, promoting consistent energy and productivity levels.

  • Practices: Adjusting office temperature to a comfortable range (ideally between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit) and dressing in layers for adaptability.

Personalization of Space
  • Function: A personalized workspace boosts morale and, in turn, productivity.

  • Long-term Impact: Cultivates a sense of belonging and identity, encouraging long-term job satisfaction and reduced burnout.

  • Practices: Enhancing the workspace with personal items, crystals, music, scent, or plants (while being considerate not to disturb others in the shared space).

II. Physical Shape

Physical Activity
  • Function: Endorphins released elevate mood and brain function while reducing stress.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Improves physical health, mental acuity, and promotes restorative sleep patterns.

  • Practices: Regular exercise, walking meetings, and using standing desks. Avoiding longer sedentary or inactive periods.

  • Function: Influences predisposition to certain health conditions and energy levels.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Acknowledging genetic predispositions can guide personalized strategies for health maintenance.

  • Practices: Genetic counseling and tailored lifestyle adjustments.

  • Function: A healthy body supports higher energy levels and productivity.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Prevents chronic illnesses, thereby ensuring a sustained high energy flux.

  • Practices: Regular medical check-ups, stress management, and adopting a balanced lifestyle.

  • Function: Restores mental and physical energy while detoxifying and processing information through advanced physical and psychological processes.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Critical for long-term cognitive function, emotional regulation, and physical health.

  • Practices: Establishing a regular sleep schedule, optimizing the sleep environment, and practicing good sleep hygiene.

  • Function: Fuels the body and brain for optimal performance.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Supports long-term health.

  • Practices: Eating a balanced, organic diet. Utilizing supplements.

  • Function: Puts in motion physical matters (lymph, blood, sweat, toxins waste) that biochemically dictate physical and mental performance. In traditional healing practices, water is considered closely related to emotions. Therefore, stagnant fluids in our systems signal stagnant emotions and trapped energy. 

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Prevents chronic dehydration effects like fatigue and decreased cognitive function. 

  • Practices: Drinking high quality water (without chlorine), setting reminders if necessary.

  • Function: Enhances oxygen intake and detoxification through the lungs, impacting energy and brain function.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Improves stress management and overall wellbeing.

  • Practices: Taking slow, conscious breaths, practicing breathing exercises and spending time in fresh air.

III. Mindset Shape

  • Function: Directly affects mood, energy levels, and ability to cope with challenges.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Shapes perception, influencing strategic action, expectations, satisfaction, and consequent wellbeing.

  • Practices: Manifestation, managing inner attitude, mindfulness, positive thinking, and cognitive restructuring.

  • Function: Guides actions and responses to situations, boosting determination.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Influences life paths and the ability to achieve personal and professional goals.

  • Practices: Identifying and challenging limiting beliefs, affirmations, and visualization techniques.

Past Experiences
  • Function: Shapes beliefs and attitudes, affecting present energy and engagement.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Holds insights for personal growth and energy use optimization.

  • Practices: Reflective practices, therapy, and journaling to process past experiences and extract useful lessons.

  • Function: Enables recognition of energy-intensive thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and their impact on behavior; as well as our impact on those around us.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Facilitates better energy management through self-understanding of strengths, weaknesses, and preferences.

  • Practices: Regular self-reflection, feedback seeking, and mindfulness practices.

IV. Emotional Shape

  • Function: Influence daily energy levels and productivity through recognition, regulation, and contagion of desired and undesired emotional states.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Emotional resilience and intelligence become a guiding system that contributes to inner equilibrium required for sustained wide energy flux in any situation.

  • Practices: Emotional regulation strategies, emotional support systems, and reaffirming reasons for gratitude.

  • Function: Impact decision-making, energy, and focus.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Understanding and managing feelings can enhance emotional intelligence and surpass fears to access a broader spectrum of possible actions.

  • Practices: Self-awareness exercises, talking about feelings, and emotional literacy training.

Bodily Sensations
  • Function: Indicators of emotional and physical states that affect energy levels.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Tuning into bodily sensations can inform energy management and health maintenance.

  • Practices: Physical activity and resting when necessary.

V. Learning Shape

Technical Knowledge and Skills
  • Function: Empower efficiency and capacity to solve problems or innovate with confidence while minimizing frustration.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Fuels personal and professional growth and evolution, elevates the ability to take on ever greater challenges with manageable risk.

  • Practices: Continuous learning, skill development programs, and leveraging online learning platforms.

Orientation and Wisdom From Personal Purpose and Values
  • Function: Gives direction and inspiration, influencing energy use toward meaningful pursuits.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Enhances fulfillment and resilience, provides reasons to live, create, as well as maintain and expand energy availability.

  • Practices: Discovering personal values, purpose, receiving or giving mentorship, and alignment of professional activities and lifestyle with personal values and purpose.

VI. Social Shape

  • Function: Support system that impacts emotional energy and stress levels.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Strong, positive professional and personal relationships contribute to emotional resilience, and are a source of information, trust, and love. Relationships with off-grid attitudes are among largest energy drainers of flux.

  • Practices: Investing time in relationships, active listening, improving communication skills or habits, and empathy. Eliminating gossip, manipulation, and resolving off-grids.

  • Function: Provide a sense of belonging and shared purpose, affecting inner motivation and mood.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Enhances personal identity and support network, stabilizing energy flux and its use.

  • Practices: Participating in groups or organizations aligned with personal values and interests.

  • Function: Offer diverse perspectives and resources, boosting resilience and opportunities for progress.

  • Long-term Flux Impact: Broadens horizons and supports project advancements and personal development.

  • Practices: Networking strategically, engaging in community activities, or utilizing social media professionally.

Explore next topic: Business Manifestation and Reality Creation

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